24 September 2008
I went to Tsevie and Lome for my birthday weekend. Ooh! the big city... I have very quickly used up the money I received at the end of August, so I was looking forward to a rather meager weekend – I’d set aside 1000F per day (roughly equivalent to $2.50) for food. I had to set aside enough money for taxis back and forth to Mission Tove, some money to pay the menuisier for my garde-manger (which arrived this morning! see pic) and just enough to pay for food for two week sand then the approx 2 mille to get me to Lome and the bank to pick up more money once I’d been paid at the beginning of October.
In Tsevie, I arrived around 12pm at my friends’ house and then sat around for an hour or so working on various computer things – they have electricity – A bunch of local volunteers had shown up for birthday dinner – M, W and R. Plus one very special guest all the way from Soutouboua. L had started making cheese the night before so it could sit for a full 12 hours. He made an absolutely delicious baked ziti (well, he did everything but bake it) Wed had to save the “oven” for the fabulous coffee crumble cake that R made. ohmygoodness yum.
BBC Africa network Wise Words: It is only foolish cock that would think that the sun would not rise if it did not crow
Pictures are: the gorgeous necklace my mom sent to me for my birthday. me cooking by kerosene lamp on my new stove. my garde-mander (food pantry) that the local carpenter just delivered.
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